Week One, Day One
Date: March 15, 2011
Weight: I'll tell you tomorrow.
Weather: cold, light rain.
Program: Alternate walking 90-seconds with jogging 60-seconds for 20 minutes, with five minute warm-up and cool down walk.
To be honest, I thought it would be worse, which is not to say that it was easy. Within minutes of leaving the house, I realized that my (stupid) earbuds sucked and needed to be either replaced or better understood before tackling Day 2 of this project. Being that I have my tragus (google/bing it) proves to be a little bit of a struggle with all earbuds and yesterday was not any different. I finally gave up on trying to adjust it, and went with one earbud only. It seemed to be enough volume to rock my Couch to 5K mix, so on I went.
The iPhone C25K (Couch to 5k) app has a nice little function that will voice over your playlist, so no need to remember which stint of the workout you are on because it will update you. Simply: "run now" or "walk now." I happened to be running with a dog who loves to go fast, which was either encouraging or annoying for day one. I worked my way through the neighborhood, spanning an area no further than 20 blocks North and 10 blocks East of my place.
I will say, my legs were definitely feeling it by the time I got home. I wasn't sweating profusely, or dying from lack of breath. There was significantly less wheezing and claims of an asthma attack than my previous attempts at jogging. Evidently this alternating with walking thing really helps work up to the running bit, eh? Sixty seconds of jogging isn't as daunting as it sounds, since you can really set your own pace. Plus, I was running outside so it's not like I was going to see anyone I knew. And all those cute guys I ran by? Yup, joggin' girl with a dog COMIN' THROUGH. I only get to accessorize with the dog until tomorrow, when she will be returned to her owner and I will no longer be dog sitting, so I plan on capitalizing on being the dog-jogger by sneaking day two in tomorrow morning.
Also, the C25K app allows you to "post" that you completed a wog on Facebook or Twitter. Maybe if I get Tweeting this will be a possibility, however until then I will solely be posting updates here. Something about splashing my accomplishments all over Facebook seems weird. Not narcissistic, because in case you didn't know, I am hugely obsessed with myself, but just a weird way to brag "hey, look at me, I wogged!" So instead, I will dedicate this entire blog to it. Go me!
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