Week Two, Day One
Date: March 22, 2011
Weight: +/- 0 (we'll call today our starting weight)
Weather: clear, beautiful night.
Program: Alternate jogging 90-seconds and walking two minutes for 20 minutes, with five minute warm-up and cool down walk.
Week Two!! Something about the start of a new program week is a combination of excitement, a little fear and a wee bit of nervousness. Really though, how hard can 90-seconds be? It's only 1.5x of what I was kicking ass at before.
I almost, almost skipped my wog because I had just spent 40+ minutes on the phone with my bestie playing ultimate catch up and was feeling like said wog could be done tomorrow. Tomorrow is where dreams go to die, btw. Manfriend poked me in the side (y'know , the squishy part) and said "change and go for your wog. WOG!" So, I changed.
H'okay, here's the thing. I wasn't paying attention to my route and ended up wogging a hilly neighborhood. I don't mean gentle rolling hills, nor do I mean mountains - but somewhere in the middle. Somewhere a person who previously ran only to secure a cute pair of shoes on sale should probably reconsider before bounding off into the world of unknown inclines. Alas, once I started there was no stopping. And 90-seconds was not killer, though it did get my lungs going. I tried my best to time my running on flat surfaces with my walking on the hilly portions. This worked for my first two sets...of six.
The third set I found myself jogging up a hill, karaoke-ing to Britney's Hit Me Baby, One More Time. (Are you seeing a pattern here?) You would not believe how happy I was to get to the top of that hill, then hear my C25k app ::beep:: and say "walk now." It was a short-lived (try 2 minutes) victory that was soon forgotten as I approached a much steeper hill.
Maybe now would be a good day to fake an asthma attack?
Black Eyed Peas Imma Be came on and I jogged my way to the top. Charlie Sheen would say, "WINNING."
Oh, a bus going the opposite direction...I could flag it down. Out of Service?! Ugh.
I was four sets down when I managed to hit yet another hill on set five. Two tweens passed me on their way down, and I am pretty sure thought, "why is that girl running so slowly and wheezing 'asthma' under her breath?" Pshhh...shortly thereafter my trusty iPhone died leaving me music and instruction-less. I guesstimated my last 2-minute walk, then finally was blessed with a flat stretch of pavement to finish a strong jog on (while singing in my head.) Flat pavement is waaaaaay easier to jog on. Seriously.
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