Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pretense: Couch to 5K

Let's start here: I am not a runner. Or, I should say I was not a runner until yesterday - when I downloaded the "Couch to 5K" app on my iPhone. After said purchase, I proudly declared myself "a runner!" a title I previously had not only sworn off, but also swore at and bitched about. I am the athletic sort, maybe in a more posh way than the iron, pumping gym rats. I take hot yoga and pilates followed by a brisk walk over free weights any day. Until yesterday, it was more likely if you saw me running, you would actually see me holding my side and wheezing "'s my asthma" rather than actually moving, which is more of a ploy to look uber athletic while actually being out of cardio shape.
After one of my co-workers mentioned he was doing the Couch to 5K running program, I stewed on it. Thoughts like, "but, I hate running" followed by, "like, a lot." flew through my head. My friends are runners. I am not. I don't like running. I wish I did, but I don't. I'd say things like, "it'd be great if we could run together, high pony-tails and all, but I hate running. So, let's go for a walk." Simply put: running (and cute girls that do it) suck.
Light bulb moment: I could be a cute girl that runs. What is stopping me, other than me? Nothing. Last time I checked, Rome wasn't built in a day, right? Maybe I can teach myself to like it. I don't really like standing next to sweaty, skinnier people that are less flexible than me in hot yoga - but it feels so darn good, I do it anyway. Could running be my new hot yoga?

And with that, I am doing it to prove that I can. I downloaded the Couch to 5K app on my iPhone (the brown, FeltTip version, for those of you interested...) and calendar'ed the first three weeks of the program. I figure if it's on my calendar, I can mentally prep myself for it and say snobby things like "Sorry, I can't, I have a run scheduled." In all fairness, I am not actually at the "running" stage. The program starts you out with a combination of jogging and walking (wogging) with a 5 minute warm up and cool down. This is not the point, the point is that this self-declared non-runner is on track to being a runner. A high pony-tailed, skinner version of myself, that will run with my girlfriends for -- wait for it -- FUN because we can. I know, it makes me want to puke also, but baby steps.

Follow me through 9-weeks of training, that will culminate by running a 5K that is TBD.

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